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  • Writer's pictureBABYCEALION





in an exaggerated & excessively dramatic manner,

in a way that is very extreme & not sincere,

intended to attract attention.

What if there was a way to be theatrical

yet still sincere, genuine & human?

The theatre is a place where we bring life to things - a story, a fictional being, a memory.

So why can't we give life to our emotions in a similar way?

Or better yet, how can we give life to our emotions

& avoid the dreadful label of being d r a m a t i c.

Is drama really that bad?

Being dramatic can look so many different ways. To me, being dramatic in how I dress, how I talk, how I interact with others is just good ol' fun. It's a role I like to play when I'm in the mood. It's not fake or disingenuous, it's just one of the ways in how I express myself. I'm not being dramatic to cause problems, stir the pot, or make a fuss of things. I'm being dramatic to make a statement, tell a story, create a memorable experience.

Living life theatrically can mean putting on a whole musical production in your head as you walk down the street. Or bringing your friends on a wild adventure through elaborate story telling & large hand gestures. If it doesn't hurt anybody why the hell not be dramatic?! A theatrical touch is fun!

In preparation for your grand theatrical debut, here are some key elements I'd like to bring to your attention. No drama is truly complete without a little MOVEMENT, SOUND, SPECTACLE, EMOTION, MOOD & DYNAMISM. These elements right here are sure to inspire a life full of passion, presence & pizzazz.

Are you ready to live life a little more theatrically?

Let's get this show on the road!

"When someone experiencing a strong emotion walks into a room, their energy is often very palpable."

- Dr. Joe Dispenza @drjoedispenza


A pairing of movement & emotion can be far more powerful than one might think. Movement becomes more impactful when fueled by emotion, emotions become more clear when expressed through movement. The combination of the two create a sort of energy in motion.

Yes, you can flail your arms, cry your eyes out & call it drama. What I’m talking about here is giving space to your emotions & moving your body as a consequence of how you feel. We do this naturally without being fully aware of it. When sad, I'm more likely to move in minuscule steps, muscles gripping around my frame as I try to contain how I'm feeling before I burst. When happy, I tend to make larger motions with my limbs, pull myself a little bit taller & open up my chest as if I were welcoming the world with arms extended. Our movements are a reflection of the emotions we feel inside, whether we're conscious of it or not.

Human beings are emotional creatures. We were made to express our emotions freely. There's no good in tightly gripping to our negative feelings, when we can give them a moment in the spotlight & let them go! Remember, energy needs to move & emotions are just that - energy. Allowing ourselves to feel what we feel is the best drama out there!


Auditory elements play a huge part in creating a theatrical experience. Whether it's a bumping playlist, the sound of the wind whistling through the trees, or the intensity of a classic film score, it seems there's a perfect soundtrack for any moment, any mood. Provoking emotion with sound is beautifully terrifying as it is powerful. Music plays a huge part in enhancing the mood & atmosphere, especially when it comes to plays, movies or any kind of visual entertainment. A simple way to test the effectiveness of music on a story is to watch a movie with only subtitles & no sound. Horror movies will likely no longer be scary & any other film will have far less of a dramatic impact. It's clear, when it comes to theatrics, that sound & music are integral in conveying mood & making us, the viewer, feel something.


Being theatrical, whether it be on stage or in life, is bound to attract attention. Creating a spectacle is all about building a visually striking & impactful moment. This spectacular moment is the chance to be commanding, captivating & make a mark. Think strong shapes, bold colours, electric energy. A dynamic feature is one with quality & purpose. Use it wisely.

Applying these theatrical qualities to our lives can be quite easy.

Let's begin with the mundane act of "a walk in the park".

One foot out the door, big boots on, headphones in. The sun shining down on your fresh face, the street buzzing with the sound of friendly pedestrians. A simple stroll down the street has plenty theatrical potential & lucky for you, it's a one man show - you've only got yourself to please!

Whether your movements are soft or brisk, your strides long or tiptoed, how you move can make all the difference in elevating your energy & connecting to how you feel. By the time you've settled into a strut, your movement has become a vehicle for your emotions & you're in the driver's seat. Allow your emotions to take the lead, you might be surprised where you end up!

Any walk is bound to take a dramatic turn, when there's headphones locked in & your favourite tunes flowing. Don't you just love when each step matches the beat of the music? That right there is a spotlight deserving moment. But whether it's the sound of birds chirping as they fly overhead, or passerby chit chat in the distance, or that one Frank Ocean song that gets you all in your feels, or even complete silence, drama thrives when the mood is just right...& whatever the mood, I guarantee, there's a playlist for that.

Nowadays, a simple walk to the park tends to be an opportunity, if not the only one, to remove our sweatpants & leave the comfort of our homes behind. It's that chance to dress the fuck up & remember what it felt like to be you out in society. It's that bomb ass outfit you've been aching to show off for weeks, it's that radiant glow from a good night's sleep, it's that killer makeup look you've finally had the nerve to try out. Whatever it is, it's powerful, it's captivating & it's bound to attract attention. You're dynamic, electric & creating a spectacle to bring personality & creativity into the world (even if it's just your world!)

I have a feeling that drama done like that would have a far better reputation.

Did you get all of that?

Good drama is all about acting on purpose. When we bring theatrics into our lives, being mindful of the impact we are creating through our actions is key. Is our behaviour a true reflection of ourselves? Are we bringing life to our emotions in a constructive & energizing way? Or is our drama fueling a destructive performance as we are merely reacting due to over-generalization, speculation or judgment? When we get stuck in unproductive cycles, whether that may be in our thoughts or our actions, it's easy to spew an excess of negative drama into the world. Being aware of our emotional patterns & allowing ourselves to lead our own unique expressive lives (no matter how d r a m a t i c they may be), will inspire more mindful & authentic decisions, consequently more passionate & dynamic individuals!

When we are in tune with ourselves, our surroundings & our emotions,

there's more room for a genuine experience, a sincere performance...

...even if it's just a walk in the park.





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